Monkeypox is now suspected or confirmed in 3 European metropolitan areas, with transmission to 4 in London, 5 confirmed in Lisbon with 20 suspected, and 8 suspected in Madrid.
Monkeypox is a virus, often seen in the DRC, Nigeria as well as other parts of Central and Western Africa, that is usually transmitted from rodents, but can spread person to person (respiratory spread through the air and direct contact with lesions or persons's clothing/bedding).
Mortality rates can range between 1% and 15% in case series, but with good supportive care mortality is much lower and would be expected to be much lower in Europe. Higher mortality often reflects lack of access to care and limited available resources.
There is not a specific known and effective treatment for monkeypox but there is a vaccine. In fact, the first vaccine we used - for smallpox - works against monkeypox. It's thought to be at least 85% effective.
The smallpox vaccine should be given by 4 days after exposure (so anyone who was nearby the person diagnosed, including healthcare workers).
If the vaccine is given between 4 and 14 days it can reduce the symptoms but not entirely prevent you from getting sick.
Immunoglobulin developed for smallpox and various antivirals have been given and continue to be studied for their effectiveness.
More on Monkeypox: